Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Textual Analysis of Students Short Film

This short film made by a student shows a diverse range of camera shots, editing techniques, sound and mise en scene. All of this I should take into account when creating my short film. Small signifiers could be used in mise en scene to represent a theory, or a certain type of shot could be used to portray a character. I need to analyse a students work to see what the minimum expectations are when creating my own short film and to see if I like any effects used and try them for myself.

The first camera shot shown is a long establishing shot of London. This is good to give the audience a sense of where they are and what they should expect from other shots, such as taxis', red letter boxes etc. It then quickly cuts to the two main characters of the story, the man being the main character and the woman who's importance comes later on the short film. These two are first established by a long shot and then we are brought to a close up. This gives the audience a good look at who the characters are of this short film and who they need to follow. In my own short film I need to do this otherwise the audience will not have anyone to focus on during the short film. A racking shot is then used when the main character is notified of 'The Suspect'. This signifies that the main character was unaware of this man until he walks past and then his motive becomes clear as does the focus. The tracking shot used shortly on gives a sudden urgency to the small chase scene that is about to take place. The camera flips from behind 'H's' legs to the front of 'The Suspects' legs to show the different points of views. An over shoulder shot is used also in this short space of time to show both the facial expressions of 'H' and 'The Suspect'. Both remain blank but slightly determined, especially when 'H' tries to stay within close proximity of The Suspect. A lot of hand held camera work is also used once the chase scene speeds up and the two men start running. This brings more urgency as the shots start to become shorter to bring more tension to this scene. Also, a whip pan is used which is traditionally used in films of a Japanese or Chinese style. I'm hoping to have a similar style to these films with the action used and certain camera shots and so I should try and fit this into my short film some how, especially if I am to have a fight scene.

Editing at this point really starts to show as the pace of different clips start to speed up. A vignette has been added on top of all the clips to enhance the shadows in this short film. This short film isn't on the lightest of subjects and so the darkness around the edges gives this short film a look that fits with the genre of this action shot film. Earlier in the film a shot reverse shot was used within the conversation between 'H' and the woman. I could possibly use this myself during a conversation or another point in my short film when action is happening. Later on a fade to black is used when 'H' is hit with the brief case to show him passing out. I could do this when fading in and out of a day dream.

Diegetic sound is used as soon as the establishing shot appears. Car sounds can be heard along with everyday city ambience. When creating my short film I need to think about how I'm going to apply my own sound such as feet walking on leaves or people talking. I could record each sound separately which would give my work the best sound quality or I could record it from the camera whilst filming. If I do that however I would loose some sounds and background noises might be enhanced. Because I'm planning to have a slightly bigger cast that a usual I may pick up sounds from them talking or someone coughing, so my best bet would be to record everything my self separately. A voice over is used at about 00:33 in this short film to deliver vital information to not only the character but to the audience to make them aware that The Suspect is the one to look out for. I could use a voice over in my own work to give the audience information that my character doesn't say herself. Within my short film I'm not planning to use a lot of speech as if the actors aren't very good, the quality of my short film and plummet immediately. Music also kicks in at this point. This music fits the short film well as it contains a little suspense but also seems a little sinister. The music soon picks up in pace as the two characters starting running, and therefore following the pace of the short film.

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