Monday, 15 September 2014

Uses and Gratifications

Uses and gratifications theory (UGT) is an approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs. UGT is an audience-centered approach to understanding mass communication. Diverging from other media effect theories that question "what does media do to people?", UGT focuses on "what do people do with media" - Wikipedia

Films are used by audiences to fulfil certain needs that an audience have. John Fiske once said 'a genre defines a moral and social world', which means that by looking to movies now and the past we can look into the needs of the audience of that time. For instance, in the 1950's 'monster movies' had a similar plot line of something strange and supernatural would be created from a nuclear source. The hegemonic values of that society of that time was the fear of a nuclear war as this was a new thing at the time. What I want to answer is how does my short film use this to represent ideas and social issues within this day of age. My short film's main focus is the problems and insecurities of teenagers and how they can go about not listening to modern day media and fight their inner insecurities. 

Films tend to have physical and emotional effects on the viewer, which leads to people liking certain genres more than others. For example, people when watching Zombie films tend to identify with the hero of the story and want to be them. My short film does this as I am aiming at a teenage/young adult audience and the main protagonist is a 17 year old girl. Within Rom-com's for example gives an emotional effect of escapism. This happens within my short film as the girl is taken from the real world into a daydream, something the members of my audience might do daily or from time to time. Also, Rom-coms have a 'wish-fulfillment' idea to them, that people wish something/someone was like something/someone in the short film. For example in mine they might wish that defeating your inner insecurities was this easy, or that life was more like the daydream with adventure and outrageous costumes and weapons.
The physical side to a movie would be the crying or laughter that comes from a tragedy or comedy. Mine doesn't really use this as mine is neither a comedy or has upsetting moments within it but does build up tension within the film, so could have the physical effect of tension on my audience.

My film falls into many different genres and doesn't fall into a single category. My film falls into the genres of Action, Adventure and Fantasy. Stereotypically my short film should thrill my audience and make them want to become the protagonist of the film.
Applying 'Uses and Gratifications' to the internet will play a large part with my short film and my audience. The internet allows us to identify more products and people, due to search websites like Google or Bing and enables the audience to come closer to their role models. Short films have benefitted from websites like Vimeo and YouTube as there is a global archive of short films at your fingertips with a diverse range of genres. I hope to upload my short film to YouTube to get the best coverage and to remain global for as long as it can be.

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