To allow me to create a conventional and convincing short film poster I need to research how others have made theirs. This may be difficult due to the various short film posters out there made by students such as myself. To make sure that these film posters are genuine I will search movie titles on IMDB (Internet Movie Data Base).
I know I want my short film to be in the genre of adventure, showing my creativity through each second. YouTuber is a vast community filled with creative creators, along with some amazing short film creators that don't get the full credit they deserve. I have watched many short films, but when thinking of creativity and adventure short films my mind immediately turns to PJ Liguori YouTube short film director and animator. His films, although random and wild, contain the flare of creativity and adventure that I wish to portray through my film and poster.
PJ Liguori's short film 'Colour Bandits' is based on a creative idea of people called Colour Bandits who suck all colour from their path, craving the next day when they can absorb more colour, until this one bandit bites more than he can chew, too much colour is thrown at this bandit and therefore killing him by the overwhelming amount of colour and dye. The poster for this short film is simple, although I couldn't find this poster that wasn't a gif. I can analyse this poster. This poster is conventional with an unconventional twist. The twist being that it's a moving image, but along with this you also cannot see the main and only characters face. This is unconventional due to the fact the audience wants to be able to connect and recognise this character. This does however leave a little bit of mystery to the poster. The conventional side to this poster is the billing block, title, house style and actors name's. The billing block is the most important part of making a poster look like a real film poster as it tells the audience who made it, who's acting within the play, the editor etc. This allows the audience to see who created the movie and might then be more inclined to watch it. The house style of the font is very simple and bland which is in major contrast to the colour expanding behind the text. This allows all writing to be visible clearly but give a relaxing change to the intensity of colour. The conventional shape of the poster is portrait to fit the main character(s) in full view to the audience.
Bridge to Terabithia
This feature film is about two children who become friends through their imagination, escaping the real world for the imaginary. I want to analyse this movie's poster as I want to create a short film that's filled with imagination and adventure.
This poster has the conventional billing block along the bottom below the title, the main characters in the image, the poster used portrait and a tag line. Firstly, the title fits the theme of the movie and the house style of the rest of the poster. When creating my poster I need to think about how I can link the theme of the movie to the title, with this poster the theme of the movie is mystical and magical which fits with the golden effect on the title. The colour scheme of the poster uses complementing colours to create a contrasting effect and therefor drawing the eyes of the target market towards the poster. I hope to have this effect with my poster to be able to get as much publicity as possible. CGI (computer generated images) was used for the effects of the fireflies and the moon, also layering different effects and items such as the tree, house, river and car. This image was most probably taken in front of a green screen and then each image layered over the top in an application. I wouldn't be able to do this myself as I don't have the training or the equipment, however I can edit the lighting, layering and colour of my poster to adjust it right and make it look more like a real movie poster.
The Tea Chronicles
This short film, although not about imagination, uses imagination in the creating process. This idea is extremely original and work brilliantly as an overall concept. This short film is a psychological horror comedy about a new room mate who offers to make his new colleagues some tea but is unable to find any new sugar, but soon stumbles upon some very old granulated sugar. This out of date sugar soon turns Charlie, the main character, into paranoia about cups of tea. This, I believe, is an extremely imaginative way to look at a normal situation, turning a simple cup of tea into a comedic horror. This will help me to expand my thought on possible ideas on a short film and makes me understand that it can be the most simplest of situations, for instance a cup of tea or a daydream, into something completely out of the ordinary.
The conventions used within this poster are the title, house style, tag line and billing block. What isn't conventional from this is that the main characters aren't in this poster, but instead what the entire short film revolves around, the mouldy sugar. The sugar itself can't be classed as a character but can be said that it plays a very important role within this short film and is what makes this situation start in the first place. This would be good to make a poster a little different from the rest, just a little unconventional to make it different from the rest.
what I have learnt from studying all these posters is that they can all vary but the majority follow conventions which in turn make a poster look professional. These conventions include, a billing block, actor/talent names, title, tag line and main image of characters. All of this will be considered when making a poster for my short film to make it appear as professional as possible.